

Din sökning på "*" gav 127774 sökträffar

Research data management

For researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Contact Questions? E-mail us at ref [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (ref[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se) or contact:Librarian:maja [dot] carlson [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (Maja Carlson) Phone: 046-222 09 94Ann-Sofie Zettergren Phone: 046-222 16 92 Before the Project DMP | Software | Costs | Sensitive data | Agreements During the Project Structure | Fil

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/write-and-publish/researcher/research-data-management - 2025-03-11

New books

You find printed books recently acquired by our library in the lists below. There you can also see where the book is placed.   ‹ › A selection of the newest books is displayed on the recent acquisitions shelves at the library’s information desk.New books in December 2024New books in November 2024New books in October 2024You can find more information about e-books here. Contact E-mail:info [at] sam

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/search-material-type/books/new-books - 2025-03-11


Sometimes it is a good idea to search in one specific subject database instead of in LUBsearch, which is a metasearch engine and therefore gives results from several databases at the same time. But which database should you choose and why? Search tips Subject databases often allow you to more specifically limit a search and in many cases they feature special subject glossaries (thesauruses). A the

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/search-material-type/databases - 2025-03-11


How and where can I get hold of Lund University’s e-books? Finding e-books The easiest way to find e-books is in LUBsearch or in ePublications. With some delay, they are also searchable in LUBcat and Libris. LUBsearch - discovery system for printed and electronic resources ePublications - search here for e-book or e-journal titles Borrowing e-books Most e-books can be downloaded and it is also usu

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/search-material-type/e-books - 2025-03-11

Student theses

Other students’ theses and degree projects are a goldmine of information when you are looking for ideas and to learn about the form and methods for writing a theses. Student theses from Lund University To search for theses and degree projects produced at Lund University, use the database LUP Student Papers. It contains theses from 2000 onwards in full text from several departments.  LUP Student Pa

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/search-material-type/student-theses - 2025-03-11

Search by subject

The Social Sciences Faculty Library has developed several subject guides, see links below. Students, researchers and lecturers can use the subject guides as a starting point for their subject-related questions. The subject guides contain important links to both databases and free resources such as material about academic writing and research publication.Subject guidesEducationGender StudiesHuman G

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/search-subject - 2025-03-11

Group rooms

Group rooms Students at Lund University can book group rooms at Sambib. We have two group rooms on the floor. 1 and two on the floor. 2. • Group room 1 (room J106, floor 1, south corridor) - 4 places • Group room 2 (room J114, floor 1, north corridor)  - 6 places • Group room 3 (room J205, floor 2, south corridor) - 4 places • Group room 4 (room J206, floor 2, south corridor) - 4 places The group

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/about-library/study-spaces/group-rooms - 2025-03-11

Computers and computer workstations

ComputersThe library has computers for searching the library catalogue (no login required), and computers featuring the Office software package as well as printing options. There are also two bookable computer workstations on level 2. The computers at Sambib are located here:Level 2 – computer room and quiet computer roomLevel 1 – in the book roomsBasement level – in the lecture room, when it is n

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/about-library/study-spaces/computers-and-computer-workstations - 2025-03-11

Can’t find what you are looking for?

If you can’t find what you are looking for and what you need, we are here to help! You can contact us in various ways to get help and search tips - visit the library, call us, send an e-mail or book an appointment with a librarian.Sambib's opening hoursBook an appointment with a librarian If we do not have what you are looking for, you can request material available elsewhere in the world through

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/cant-find-what-you-are-looking - 2025-03-11

Book a Librarian

Are you a student or employee at the Faculty of Social Sciences having trouble finding relevant material? The quickest way of getting into contact with a librarian is to approach the information desk where you can get help right away.  You can also book an appointment with a librarian either by contacting your subject librarian via your subject guide or via the library email. Find your subject lib

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/cant-find-what-you-are-looking/book-librarian - 2025-03-11

Interlibrary loans

Requesting interlibrary loansIf you are a student or employee at the Faculty of Social Sciences and you need materials for study or research which are not available from any library at Lund University, you can request the materials by interlibrary loan through us.Search firstSearch first in the library catalogue LUBcat, or in LUBsearch for articles.You can find some articles that have been publish

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/borrow/interlibrary-loans - 2025-03-11

Purchasing suggestions

You are welcome to submit suggestions for books, journals and databases which you think the library should have. First ensure that we do not have the book or journal by searching in the library catalogue LUBcat and in LUBsearch.  Send your suggestion by completing the purchasing form The book or journal may be purchased in electronic format. How long does it take? How long it takes to obtain a boo

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/cant-find-what-you-are-looking/purchasing-suggestions - 2025-03-11

Book a computer to use in class

Students at the Social Sciences Faculty in Lund, unable to bring a laptop of their own, can apply to borrow a computer for classes that require a computer. Software on the computers ArcGis ArcGisPro DjVu Endnote Gephi Jamovi JASP Nvivo R R-studio SPSS SPSS Amor Stata If you have a laptop but are missing any of the programs, you may download programs from the list above, free of charge Download sof

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/form/book-computer-use-class - 2025-03-11


BrowZine is a tool that allows you to easily browse, read, and keep up-to-date with current scholarly journal content on any device. BrowZine is available as a desktop version and also available as an app. Please try it out and give us your feedback! ImplementationThe test ends March 19. Please e-mail your opinions to ellen [dot] fall [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (ellen[dot]fall[at]sambib[dot]lu[

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/search-material-type/articles-and-journals/browzine - 2025-03-11

Search tips

There is a lot of guidance online about how to search for information in the best and most efficient way. Some of it is general, whereas some of it is more specific to a particular subject.       Subject guides Sambib staff have created a number of Subject guides. In the guides you'll find links and tips to various resources but also extensive pages dealing with search strategy and what to conside

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/cant-find-what-you-are-looking/search-tips - 2025-03-11

Renew your loans

How long you may keep a book depends on the sort of book you have borrowed; a course book, a long term loan or an interlibrary loan. Read more here! Renewing loans on course books The loan period for a course book is 2 weeks. Unless no one else is waiting to borrow the book, the loan will be automatically renewed and you can have it for 2 more weeks. There is maximum of 5 automatic renewals, if yo

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/borrow/renew-your-loans - 2025-03-11

Overdue fees

The Social Sciences Faculty Library charges a late fee of SEK 10/book and day for course books returned after the loan has expired. This applies to all borrowers. The late fee is applied as of the day after the stated return date. No fee is generated during days when the library is closed, or during weekends. Books, returned in book drops, are checked in the following working day. Course books tha

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/borrow/overdue-fees - 2025-03-11

Picking up and returning books

Direct pick-up When the book is listed in LUBcat as being at "Sambib" and noted "Pick up from shelf", you can pick up and check it out yourself. See a map of the library Most books are classified by author surname. Exceptions are books with an editor or books with more than three authors, which are placed on the shelf according to title. You borrow your books in our self-service machine. Picking u

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/borrow/picking-and-returning-books - 2025-03-11

Library card

You need a library card to borrow books from the Social Sciences Faculty Library. Students and staff use their LU card as library card. Other users receive a library card at the circulation desk. The library card, which is valid at all the libraries at Lund University, is used to borrow material. Getting a library card Students and staff: Pick up your LU card at a card station. To be able to use t

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/borrow/library-card - 2025-03-11

Loan periods

Loan periods at the Social Sciences Faculty Library Course booksThe regular loan period is 14 days, with automatic renewal, if there is no reservation for the book. Course books can be renewed a maximum of 5 times. Also applies to older editions.Other booksThe loan period is 28 days, with automatic renewal, if there is no reservation for the book. Maximum 5 automatic renewals for students and exte

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/borrow/loan-periods - 2025-03-11